Welcome to Appliance repair and service company, 34 years of experience, millions of satisfy customers. Same day repair, 24/7 a day, all majors brand and models : Air Conditioners, Dishwashers, Dryers, Stove, Heaters/Furnaces, Microwaves, Oven, Cook tops/Rangers, Disposals,
Refrigerators, Washers, Water Heaters and other... get professional repair or service save time and money, check out our special deal on labor.
If you have a problem with your home or business appliance and are located in Greater Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley county and Orange County - fill out our Free service form and we provide you the professional, quality and same day help, save you time and money - get Los Angeles Appliance repair & service now!
John Browning, Santa Monica CA. - I am a customer of this appliance company since 2007, this is one of the best company's you can trust. Always a excellent and professional service easy for me, saving me lot's of money and time - thank's guy's for the brilliant service and caring about my stuff all that time.